I am on track to complete a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering from Cal Poly SLO.
I am on track to complete a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering from Cal Poly SLO.
Over the course of my life I've gained and honed many skills. Some highlights are showcased here.
I am very skilled at being able to convey ideas to people no matter their knowledge level on the subject. Both the layman and the expert will find my conversation effective.
I've been told I "seem like a dope person" and am "really easy to talk to" by strangers and ended those conversations with stable connections I can use elsewhere in life. Despite the stereotypes, this engineer knows how to socialize.
On top of assembling 5 PCs for myself and family, I have worked with various microcontrollers including Arduino and Basys 3 boards.
Very few things annoy me more than a problem that I don't understand and can't fix. Thus, I have become a ruthless bug hunter feared by every unsigned error code from 1 to -1.
Let me have my headphones and a workspace and I can get work done solo if need be. I know not every engineer is as social as I am and I am able to adapt to an environment with more individuallized and less team-based work.
If you would like to get in contact with me, feel free to shoot me an email!